

Thank you for sending the letter regarding the scholarship. I appreciate it! This last semester I was able to maintain a 3.43 GPA while also being a member of the Women’s Soccer team at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Recently, I was named to the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WIAC) Scholastic Honor Roll. This award is for student-athletes who had a GPA of 3.00 or better on a 4.00 scale. I am majoring in Broad-field Social Science with in hopes of becoming a Social Studies teacher one day.

Lauren J. - UW Stevens Point

I recently received the Kids’ Chance of Wisconsin Scholarship award letter in the mail. I wanted to thank you for the generous money you offered me. I am very grateful, appreciative, and honored to be a recipient. I will be starting college at Marian University on August 24th. I am so excited to start this new journey and major in Healthcare Administration. I graduated from Campbellsport High School with a 3.919 GPA, and I hope to continue my academic successes this fall. I participated in volleyball, basketball, and community theater productions all four years along with many other volunteering activities within my school and community. I also took classes as part of the early college credit program at UW Fond du Lac my senior year to earn me 18 college credits that have already transferred to Marian and will count towards my major. I also waitress at a local cafe which is helping me save money. THANK YOU again for the scholarship and for helping me to achieve my education and career goals! It means so much!

Amber K. - Marian University

I’m so grateful for this scholarship. My family has experienced financial challenges throughout the years. My adoptive mother, who worked as a labor and delivery nurse, was disabled due to an injury. She is back working but has raised six children as a single mother and cannot help me pay for college expenses. Currently I work every other weekend at Woodman’s Supermarket in Sun Prairie. I take my education very seriously and devote a lot of time to studying. I have needed to spend extra time with my education in order to succeed in my studies, especially since I have been diagnosed with static encephalopathy. All of these things have led to it being difficult to figure out how to fund my college education. Therefore, I am so thankful to receive this scholarship because I am able to focus more on doing well in my classes instead of worrying about work and how to pay for college. Currently I am in the liberal arts transfer program, and I am planning to transfer into the UW system next year to get my degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Thank you so much again.

Derartu F. - Madison Area Technical College

This award means so much not only to me, but my family as well. These past couple of years have been extremely rough for us considering my parents’ conditions. My freshman year of college was very hard for me especially because I knew I had to leave my parents’ side when I have been there helping them out every day. Through the situation we are in now with the pandemic, it has given me the chance to stay home and help my parents while still continuing my academic career. I am blessed to be able to do so, however, I still wish I was getting the hands on learning, as I was last year. I’m not going to lie, online learning is a struggle but I know I will prosper and overcome either way. With the help of this reward my family and I will not have to worry about whether or not I can continue my education. This is a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders. Again I cannot thank everyone enough for this award, it is truly a blessing. Thank you for your time, consideration and all that you do to help our students!

Aleea C. - UW Whitewater


I have had the privilege of representing Wisconsin’s injured workers for over ten years and know firsthand the long-term devastation a work injury can have on an entire family. I am honored to contribute to a cause that not only recognizes the significant impact a work injury can have on an injured worker’s children, but also strives to give back directly to our own hardworking Wisconsin people!

As a local and national sponsor of Kids’ Chance, we are incredibly pleased to be able to give back to the innocent individuals negatively impacted by workplace accidents & injuries. Helping to provide the opportunity for young people to reach their educational & professional goals is a highly rewarding experience!

Kids’ Chance is our opportunity to become part of the community and ease the financial burden families endure after a tragic accident occurs. We believe a small triumph can have a huge impact in these children’s lives and futures!

Each and every day, I witness a work injury’s real-world emotional and economic impact on the worker’s entire family. I support Kids’ Chance of WI because it helps, in an incremental way, to lessen that difficult burden. Kids’ Chance of WI affords impacted and deserving students with all-important educational opportunities to realize their goals and dreams.